Source code for smqtk.algorithms.object_detection._interface

import abc
import hashlib

import six

from smqtk.algorithms import SmqtkAlgorithm, ImageReader
from smqtk.utils import ContentTypeValidator
from smqtk.utils.configuration import (


[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class ObjectDetector (SmqtkAlgorithm, ContentTypeValidator): """ Abstract interface to an object detection algorithm. An object detection algorithm is one that can take in data and output zero or more detection elements, where each detection represents a spatial region in the data. This high level interface only requires detection element returns (spatial bounding-boxes with associated classification elements). """ __slots__ = () @staticmethod def _gen_detection_uuid(data_uuid, bbox, labels): """ Local standard for producing the UUID of a DetectionElement based on parent data, component bounding box and classification labels. :param str data_uuid: UUID of parent data element (checksum hash string) this detection is derived from. :param smqtk.representation.AxisAlignedBoundingBox bbox: Detection bounding box instance. :param labels: Sequence of string classification labels. :return: Detection UUID string that is the SHA1 checksum of the component data. """ # noinspection PyStringFormat # - uses variadic expansion which fools current linter. hashable = data_uuid + \ '{}{}{}{}'.format(*(bbox.min_vertex.tolist() + bbox.max_vertex.tolist())) + \ ''.join(sorted(map(str, labels))) return hashlib.sha1(six.b(hashable)).hexdigest()
[docs] def detect_objects(self, data_element, de_factory=DFLT_DETECTION_FACTORY, ce_factory=DFLT_CLASSIFIER_FACTORY): """ Detect objects in the given data. UUIDs of detections are based on the hash produced from the combination of: - Detection bounding-box bounding coordinates - Classification label set predicted for a bounding box. :param smqtk.representation.DataElement data_element: Source data from which to detect objects within. :param smqtk.representation.DetectionElementFactory de_factory: Factory for generating DetectionElement instances. The default factory yields MemoryClassificationElement instances. :param smqtk.representation.ClassificationElementFactory ce_factory: Factory for generating ClassificationElement instances for detections. The default factory yields MemoryClassificationElement instances. :raises ValueError: Given data element content was not of a valid content type that this class reports as valid for object detection. :return: Iterator over result DetectionElement instances as generated by the given DetectionElementFactory, containing classification elements as generated by the given ClassificationElementFactory. :rtype: collections.Iterable[smqtk.representation.DetectionElement] """ self.raise_valid_element(data_element) # We know that the UUID of a DataElement should be a checksum of sorts, # so we can generally assume a string-cast is unique preserving. de_uuid = str(data_element.uuid()) type_str = 'object detection classification' for bbox, c_map in self._detect_objects(data_element): # Determine UUID of detection from bbox and classification labels det_uuid = self._gen_detection_uuid(de_uuid, bbox, c_map.keys()) ce = ce_factory.new_classification(type_str, det_uuid) ce.set_classification(c_map) de = de_factory.new_detection(det_uuid).set_detection(bbox, ce) yield de
@abc.abstractmethod def _detect_objects(self, data): """ Internal method that defines the generation of paired bounding boxes and classification maps for detected objects in the given data. :param smqtk.representation.DataElement data: Source data (DataElement) from which to detect objects within. :return: Iterable over paired ``AxisAlignedBoundingBox`` and classification map for detected objects. The returned "classification map" should follow the format described by ``smqtk.representation.ClassificationElement``: dictionary where keys are classification labels and values are classification probabilities. :rtype: collections.Iterator[(smqtk.representation.AxisAlignedBoundingBox, dict[collections.Hashable, float])] """
@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class ImageMatrixObjectDetector (ObjectDetector): """ Class of object detectors that operate over the pixel matrix of an image. This sub abstract class standardizes the use of an :class:`smqtk.algorithms.ImageReader` algorithm to read an image file's pixels as well as determine which image formats are valid input elements. There is a special exception of :class:`.MatrixDataElement` types as they directly provide a matrix. We define an alternate abstract method for implementing classes to define: ``_detect_objects_matrix``. This method is given a numpy ndarray instance for the implementing class to utilize. The return requirements are the same as the ``_detect_objects`` method. """ @classmethod def get_default_config(cls): """ Generate and return a default configuration dictionary for this class. This will be primarily used for generating what the configuration dictionary would look like for this class without instantiating it. By default, we observe what this class's constructor takes as arguments, turning those argument names into configuration dictionary keys. If any of those arguments have defaults, we will add those values into the configuration dictionary appropriately. The dictionary returned should only contain JSON compliant value types. It is not be guaranteed that the configuration dictionary returned from this method is valid for construction of an instance of this class. :return: Default configuration dictionary for the class. :rtype: dict """ default = super(ImageMatrixObjectDetector, cls).get_default_config() default['image_reader'] = make_default_config(ImageReader.get_impls()) return default @classmethod def from_config(cls, config_dict, merge_default=True): """ Instantiate a new instance of this class given the configuration JSON-compliant dictionary encapsulating initialization arguments. This method should not be called via super unless an instance of the class is desired. :param config_dict: JSON compliant dictionary encapsulating a configuration. :type config_dict: dict :param merge_default: Merge the given configuration on top of the default provided by ``get_default_config``. :type merge_default: bool :return: Constructed instance from the provided config. :rtype: ImageMatrixObjectDetector """ # Shallow copy config_dict = dict(config_dict) # type: dict config_dict['image_reader'] = from_config_dict( config_dict.get('image_reader', {}), ImageReader.get_impls() ) return super(ImageMatrixObjectDetector, cls).from_config( config_dict, merge_default=merge_default ) def __init__(self, image_reader): """ An image matrix object detector must have a method of converting a DataElement into an image pixel matrix so this interface broadly requires an :class:`smqtk.algorithms.ImageReader` instance. :param smqtk.algorithms.ImageReader image_reader: ImageReader algorithm instance for reading image matrices from DataElements. """ super(ImageMatrixObjectDetector, self).__init__() self._image_reader = image_reader def get_config(self): """ Return a JSON-compliant dictionary that could be passed to this class's ``from_config`` method to produce an instance with identical configuration. In the most cases, this involves naming the keys of the dictionary based on the initialization argument names as if it were to be passed to the constructor via dictionary expansion. In some cases, where it doesn't make sense to store some object constructor parameters are expected to be supplied at as configuration values (i.e. must be supplied at runtime), this method's returned dictionary may leave those parameters out. In such cases, the object's ``from_config`` class-method would also take additional positional arguments to fill in for the parameters that this returned configuration lacks. :return: JSON type compliant configuration dictionary. :rtype: dict """ return { 'image_reader': to_config_dict(self._image_reader), } def valid_content_types(self): """ :return: A set valid MIME types that are "valid" within the implementing class' context. :rtype: set[str] """ return self._image_reader.valid_content_types() def is_valid_element(self, data_element): """ Check if the given DataElement instance reports a content type that matches one of the MIME types reported by ``valid_content_types``. This override uses our stored :class:`ImageReader` algorithm instance to define what :class:`DataElement` instances are valid. :param smqtk.representation.DataElement data_element: Data element instance to check. :return: True if the given element has a valid content type as reported by ``valid_content_types``, and False if not. :rtype: bool """ return self._image_reader.is_valid_element(data_element) def _detect_objects(self, data): """ Internal method that defines the generation of paired bounding boxes and classification maps for detected objects in the given data. This ``ImageMatrixObjectDetector`` implementation ensures that the data element is converted to a :class:`numpy.ndarray` before passing the result matrix along to the :func:`_detect_objects_matrix` method for the implementing class to define. :param smqtk.representation.DataElement data: Source data (DataElement) from which to detect objects within. :return: Iterable over paired ``AxisAlignedBoundingBox`` and classification map for detected objects. The returned "classification map" should follow the format described by ``smqtk.representation.ClassificationElement``: dictionary where keys are classification labels and values are classification probabilities. :rtype: collections.Iterator[(smqtk.representation.AxisAlignedBoundingBox, dict[collections.Hashable, float])] """ return self._detect_objects_matrix( self._image_reader.load_as_matrix(data) ) @abc.abstractmethod def _detect_objects_matrix(self, mat): """ Internal method to be implemented that defines the generation of paired bounding boxes and classification maps for detected objects in the given image matrix data. :param numpy.ndarray mat: Image pixel matrix to detect objects within. :return: Iterable over paired ``AxisAlignedBoundingBox`` and classification map for detected objects. The returned "classification map" should follow the format described by ``smqtk.representation.ClassificationElement``: dictionary where keys are classification labels and values are classification probabilities. :rtype: collections.Iterator[(smqtk.representation.AxisAlignedBoundingBox, dict[collections.Hashable, float])] """