Source code for smqtk.utils.plugin

Helper interface and function for implementing class discovery.

Plugins may be accessed by one of the following ways:
  1. Be defined within SMQTK next to their interface.
  2. The environment variable ``SMQTK_PLUGIN_PATH`` may be set to a number of
     `:`-separated (`;` on Windows) python module paths to where plugin classes
     are defined.
  3. Other installed python packages may define one or more extensions for
     the namespace "smqtk_plugins". This should be a single or list of
     extensions that specify modules within the installed package where
     plugins for export are implemented. Note that we desire modules,
     not objects, for our extensions.

     For example::

             "smqtk_plugins": "my_package = my_package.plugins"


         entry_points = [
             "smqtk_plugins": [
                 "my_package_mode_1 = my_package.mode_1.plugins",
                 "my_package_mode_2 = my_package.mode_2.plugins",


import abc
import collections
import importlib
import inspect
import itertools
import logging
import os
import pkgutil
import re
import types
import warnings

import six
from six.moves import reload_module
from stevedore.extension import ExtensionManager

# Template for checking validity of sub-module files
VALID_MODULE_FILE_RE = re.compile("^[a-zA-Z]\w*(?:\.py)?$")

# Template for checking validity of module attributes
VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_RE = re.compile("^[a-zA-Z]\w*$")

# Environment variable *PATH separator for the current platform.
OS_ENV_PATH_SEP = os.pathsep

EXTENSION_NAMESPACE = "smqtk_plugins"

def _get_local_plugin_modules(log, interface_type, warn=True):
    Get the python modules within the SMQTK tree that are located parallel
    to the module defining the given interface type.

    :param logging.Logger log:
        Logger instance to use for logging.
    :param type interface_type:
        Interface type we want to find modules around.
    :param bool warn:
        If we should warn about module import failures.

    :return: Iterator of python modules parallel to the given interface.
    :rtype: collections.Iterator[types.ModuleType]

    # Get the parent module and the filesystem path to that module.
    # - This is for finding implementations that are defined in the same
    #   parent module as the interface that is inheriting from
    #   ``Pluggable``.
    # - This should do the right thing regardless of whether ``cls`` is
    #   defined in an ```` file or "normal" python module file.
    #: :type: types.ModuleType
    t_module = inspect.getmodule(interface_type)
    # __package__ should correctly get us the parent module path regardless of
    # whether ``interface_type`` is defined in an ```` file or in a
    # parallel python module file.
    #: :type: str
    t_module_package = t_module.__package__

    # Containing directory of the module ``interface_class`` is defined in.
    t_module_fp = inspect.getsourcefile(t_module) or inspect.getfile(t_module)
    t_module_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(t_module_fp))
    logging.debug("Looking for python modules parallel to {} in directory '{}'."
                  .format(interface_type.__name__, t_module_dir))

    # Discover sibling modules to interface type's module.
    for importer, module_name, ispackage \
            in pkgutil.iter_modules([t_module_dir]):
        sib_module_path = '.'.join([t_module_package, module_name])
        log.debug("Found sibling module '{}'.".format(sib_module_path))
            yield importlib.import_module(sib_module_path)
        except Exception as ex:
            if warn:
                warnings.warn("Failed to import module '{}' due to exception: "
                              "({}) {}"
                              .format(sib_module_path, ex.__class__.__name__,

def _get_envvar_plugin_module(log, env_var, warn=True):
    Get the python modules specified by the given environment variable.

    :param logging.Logger log:
        Logger instance to use for logging.
    :param str env_var:
        Environment variable key to use to look for python module paths to
    :param bool warn:
        If we should warn about module import failures.

    :return: Iterator of python modules parallel to the given interface.
    :rtype: collections.Iterator[types.ModuleType]

    if env_var in os.environ:
        for p in os.environ[env_var].split(OS_ENV_PATH_SEP):
            # skip empty strings
            if p:
                log.debug("In env variable '{}' found module path '{}'."
                          .format(env_var, p))
                    yield importlib.import_module(p)
                except Exception as ex:
                    if warn:
                            "Failed to import module '{}' due to exception: "
                            "({}) {}"
                            .format(p, ex.__class__.__name__, str(ex))
        log.debug("No variable '{}' in environment.".format(env_var))

def _get_extension_plugin_modules(log, warn=True):
    Get the modules registered by installed python modules that
    provide extensions in the ``smqtk_plugins`` namespace.

    :return: Iterator of python modules registered by installed extensions.
    :rtype: collections.Iterator[types.ModuleType]

    # Get the cached extension manager.
        m = _get_extension_plugin_modules.ext_manager
    except AttributeError:
        log.debug("Creating and caching ExtensionManager for namespace '{}'."
        m = _get_extension_plugin_modules.ext_manager = \
    # Yield registered extensions that are actually modules.
    for ext in m:
        ext_plugin_module = ext.plugin
        if not isinstance(ext_plugin_module, types.ModuleType):
            if warn:
                warnings.warn("Skipping extension provided by package '{} "
                              "({})' that did NOT resolve to a python module "
                              "(got an object of type {} instead: {})."
            yield ext.plugin

[docs]def get_plugins(interface_type, env_var, helper_var, warn=True, reload_modules=False): """ Discover and return classes implementing the given ``interface_class``. Discoverable implementations may either be located in sub-modules parallel to the definition of the interface class or be located in modules specified in the environment variable ``env_var``. In order to specify additional out-of-scope python modules containing interface-class implementations, additions to the given environment variable must be made. Entries must be separated by the standard PATH separating character based on the operating OS standard (e.g. ';' (for windows) or ':' for most everything else). Entries should be importable python module paths. When looking at module attributes, we only acknowledge those that start with an alphanumeric character. '_' prefixed attributes are effectively hidden from discovery by this function when merely scanning a module's attributes. We required that the base class that we are checking for also descends from the ``Pluggable`` interface defined above. This allows us to check if a loaded class ``is_usable``. Within a module we first look for a helper variable by the name provided, which can either be a single class object or an iterable of class objects, to be specifically exported. If the variable is set to None, we skip that module and do not import anything. If the variable is not present, we look at attributes defined in that module for classes that descend from the given base class type. If none of the above are found, or if an exception occurs, the module is skipped. :param type interface_type: Interface class type of which we want to discover implementations of (the plugins). :param str env_var: String name of an environment variable defining additional python module paths, whose child modules are searched for implementing sub-classes of the specified base type. :param str helper_var: Name of the expected module helper attribute. :param bool warn: If we should warn about module import failures. :param bool reload_modules: Explicitly reload discovered modules from source instead of taking a potentially cached version of the module. :return: Set of discovered class types descending from type ``interface_type`` and ``smqtk.utils.plugin.Pluggable`` whose keys are the string names of the class types. :rtype: set[type[Pluggable]] """ if not issubclass(interface_type, Pluggable): raise ValueError("Required base-class must descend from the Pluggable " "interface!") log = logging.getLogger('.'.join([ __name__, 'get_plugins[{}]'.format(interface_type.__name__) ])) modules_iter = \ itertools.chain( _get_local_plugin_modules(log, interface_type, warn=warn), _get_envvar_plugin_module(log, env_var, warn=warn), _get_extension_plugin_modules(log, warn=warn) ) log.debug("Getting plugins for interface '{}'" .format(interface_type.__name__)) class_set = set() for _module in modules_iter: module_path = _module.__name__ log.debug("Examining module: {}".format(module_path)) if reload_modules: # Invoke reload in case the module changed between imports. # six should find the right thing. # noinspection PyCompatibility _module = reload_module(_module) if _module is None: raise RuntimeError("[{}] Failed to reload".format(module_path)) # Find valid classes in the discovered module by: classes = [] if hasattr(_module, helper_var): # Looking for magic variable for import guidance classes = getattr(_module, helper_var) if classes is None: log.debug("[%s] Helper is None-valued, skipping module", module_path) classes = [] elif (isinstance(classes, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(classes, six.string_types)): classes = list(classes) log.debug("[%s] Loaded list of %d class types via helper", module_path, len(classes)) # Thus, non-iterable value. elif isinstance(classes, type) \ and issubclass(classes, interface_type): log.debug("[%s] Loaded class type: %s", module_path, classes.__name__) classes = [classes] else: raise RuntimeError("[%s] Helper variable set to an invalid " "value: %s" % (module_path, classes)) else: # Scan module valid attributes for classes that descend from the # given base-class. log.debug("[%s] No helper, scanning module attributes", module_path) for attr_name in dir(_module): if VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_RE.match(attr_name): classes.append(getattr(_module, attr_name)) # Check the validity of the discovered class types in this module. for cls in classes: # check that all class types in iterable are: # - Class types, # - Subclasses of the given base-type and plugin interface # - Not missing any abstract implementations. # # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences if not isinstance(cls, type): # No logging, over verbose, undetermined type. pass elif cls is interface_type: log.debug("[%s.%s] [skip] Literally the base class.", module_path, cls.__name__) elif not issubclass(cls, interface_type): log.debug("[%s.%s] [skip] Does not descend from base class.", module_path, cls.__name__) elif bool(cls.__abstractmethods__): # Making this a warning as I think this indicates a broken # implementation in the ecosystem. # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences log.warn('[%s.%s] [skip] Does not implement one or more ' 'abstract methods: %s', module_path, cls.__name__, list(cls.__abstractmethods__)) elif not cls.is_usable(): log.debug("[%s.%s] [skip] Class does not report as usable.", module_path, cls.__name__) else: log.debug('[%s.%s] [KEEP] Retaining subclass.', module_path, cls.__name__) class_set.add(cls) return class_set
class NotUsableError (Exception): """ Exception thrown when a pluggable class is constructed but does not report as usable. """
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Pluggable (object): """ Interface for classes that have plugin implementations """ __slots__ = () PLUGIN_ENV_VAR = "SMQTK_PLUGIN_PATH" PLUGIN_HELPER_VAR = "SMQTK_PLUGIN_CLASS"
[docs] @classmethod def get_impls(cls, warn=True, reload_modules=False): """ Discover and return a set of classes that implement the calling class. See the ``get_plugins`` function for more details on the logic of how implementing classes (aka "plugins") are discovered. The class-level variables ``PLUGIN_ENV_VAR`` and ``PLUGIN_HELPER_VAR`` may be overridden to change what environment and helper variable are looked for, respectively. :param bool warn: If we should warn about module import failures. :param bool reload_modules: Explicitly reload discovered modules from source. :return: Set of discovered class types descending from type ``interface_type`` and ``smqtk.utils.plugin.Pluggable`` whose keys are the string names of the class types. :rtype: set[type[Pluggable]] """ # TODO: If reload is False, cache result or use cache # TODO: If True, re-cache new result. return get_plugins(cls, cls.PLUGIN_ENV_VAR, cls.PLUGIN_HELPER_VAR, warn=warn, reload_modules=reload_modules)
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def is_usable(cls): """ Check whether this class is available for use. Since certain plugin implementations may require additional dependencies that may not yet be available on the system, this method should check for those dependencies and return a boolean saying if the implementation is usable. NOTES: - This should be a class method - When an implementation is deemed not usable, this should emit a warning detailing why the implementation is not available for use. :return: Boolean determination of whether this implementation is usable. :rtype: bool """ raise NotImplementedError("is_usable class-method not implemented for " "class '%s'" % cls.__name__)
def __init__(self): if not self.is_usable(): raise NotUsableError("Implementation class '%s' is not currently " "usable." % self.__class__.__name__)