Source code for smqtk.algorithms.nn_index._interface_nn_index

Interface for generic element-wise nearest-neighbor computation.

import abc

from smqtk.algorithms import SmqtkAlgorithm
from smqtk.utils import check_empty_iterable

[docs]class NearestNeighborsIndex (SmqtkAlgorithm): """ Common interface for descriptor-based nearest-neighbor computation over a built index of descriptors. Implementations, if they allow persistent storage of their index, should take the necessary parameters at construction time. Persistent storage content should be (over)written ``build_index`` is called. Implementations should be thread safe and appropriately protect internal model components from concurrent access and modification. """ def __len__(self): return self.count() @staticmethod def _empty_iterable_exception(): """ Create the exception instance to be thrown when no descriptors are provided to ``build_index``/``update_index``. :return: ValueError instance to be thrown. :rtype: ValueError """ return ValueError("No DescriptorElement instances in provided " "iterable.")
[docs] def build_index(self, descriptors): """ Build the index with the given descriptor data elements. Subsequent calls to this method should rebuild the current index. This method shall not add to the existing index nor raise an exception to as to protect the current index. :raises ValueError: No data available in the given iterable. :param descriptors: Iterable of descriptor elements to build index over. :type descriptors: collections.Iterable[smqtk.representation.DescriptorElement] """ check_empty_iterable(descriptors, self._build_index, self._empty_iterable_exception())
[docs] def update_index(self, descriptors): """ Additively update the current index with the one or more descriptor elements given. If no index exists yet, a new one should be created using the given descriptors. :raises ValueError: No data available in the given iterable. :param descriptors: Iterable of descriptor elements to add to this index. :type descriptors: collections.Iterable[smqtk.representation .DescriptorElement] """ check_empty_iterable(descriptors, self._update_index, self._empty_iterable_exception())
[docs] def remove_from_index(self, uids): """ Partially remove descriptors from this index associated with the given UIDs. :param uids: Iterable of UIDs of descriptors to remove from this index. :type uids: collections.Iterable[collections.Hashable] :raises ValueError: No data available in the given iterable. :raises KeyError: One or more UIDs provided do not match any stored descriptors. The index should not be modified. """ check_empty_iterable(uids, self._remove_from_index, self._empty_iterable_exception())
[docs] def nn(self, d, n=1): """ Return the nearest `N` neighbors to the given descriptor element. :raises ValueError: Input query descriptor ``d`` has no vector set. :raises ValueError: Current index is empty. :param d: Descriptor element to compute the neighbors of. :type d: smqtk.representation.DescriptorElement :param n: Number of nearest neighbors to find. :type n: int :return: Tuple of nearest N DescriptorElement instances, and a tuple of the distance values to those neighbors. :rtype: (tuple[smqtk.representation.DescriptorElement], tuple[float]) """ if not d.has_vector(): raise ValueError("Query descriptor did not have a vector set!") elif not self.count(): raise ValueError("No index currently set to query from!") return self._nn(d, n)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def count(self): """ :return: Number of elements in this index. :rtype: int """
@abc.abstractmethod def _build_index(self, descriptors): """ Internal method to be implemented by sub-classes to build the index with the given descriptor data elements. Subsequent calls to this method should rebuild the current index. This method shall not add to the existing index nor raise an exception to as to protect the current index. :param descriptors: Iterable of descriptor elements to build index over. :type descriptors: collections.Iterable[smqtk.representation.DescriptorElement] """ @abc.abstractmethod def _update_index(self, descriptors): """ Internal method to be implemented by sub-classes to additively update the current index with the one or more descriptor elements given. If no index exists yet, a new one should be created using the given descriptors. :param descriptors: Iterable of descriptor elements to add to this index. :type descriptors: collections.Iterable[smqtk.representation.DescriptorElement] """ @abc.abstractmethod def _remove_from_index(self, uids): """ Internal method to be implemented by sub-classes to partially remove descriptors from this index associated with the given UIDs. :param uids: Iterable of UIDs of descriptors to remove from this index. :type uids: collections.Iterable[collections.Hashable] :raises KeyError: One or more UIDs provided do not match any stored descriptors. """ @abc.abstractmethod def _nn(self, d, n=1): """ Internal method to be implemented by sub-classes to return the nearest `N` neighbors to the given descriptor element. When this internal method is called, we have already checked that there is a vector in ``d`` and our index is not empty. :param d: Descriptor element to compute the neighbors of. :type d: smqtk.representation.DescriptorElement :param n: Number of nearest neighbors to find. :type n: int :return: Tuple of nearest N DescriptorElement instances, and a tuple of the distance values to those neighbors. :rtype: (tuple[smqtk.representation.DescriptorElement], tuple[float]) """