SMQTK v0.13.0 Release Notes

This release incorporates updates and fixes performed on the VIGILANT project and approved for public release (case number 88ABW-2019-5287). Some of the major updates and fixes in this include:

  • Object detection algorithm interface and supporting DetectionElement interface and implementations.
  • Revised plugin implementation accessor via the mixin class instead what used to be manually implemented side-car functions for every interface. Also moved some configuration specific functions out of the plugin utility module and into a configuration utility submodule, where the Configurable mixin class has also moved to.
  • Moves unit tests out of the installed SMQTK package and into a dedicated sub-directory in the repository.

Updates / New Features


  • Added ImageReader algorithm interface
    • Added matrix reading short-cut if DataElement instance provided has a matrix attribute/property.
    • Added PIL (pillow) implementation with tests.
    • Added GDAL implementation with tests.
  • Descriptor Generators
    • Change CaffeDescriptorGenerator constructor to take DataElement instances rather than URIs.
  • HashIndex
    • SkLearnBallTreeHashIndex
      • Fixed numpy load call to explicitly allow loading pickled components due to a parameter default change in numpy version 1.16.3.
  • Object Detection
    • Added initial abstract interface.
    • Added “ImageMatrixObjectDetector” interface for object detectors that specifically operate on image data and standardizes the use of an “ImageReader” algorithm to provide the pixel matrix as input.
  • Nearest Neighbors
    • FAISS
      • Gracefully handle addition of duplicated descriptors to avoid making index unusable due to an unexpected external failure.
      • Make use of new get_many method of key-value stores to improve runtime performance.
      • Make use of new get_many_vectors classmethod of DescriptorElement to improve runtime performance.
    • LSH Hash Functor
      • Use ProgressReporter in itq to avoid bugs from deprecated report_progress function

Compute Functions

  • Add compute_transformed_descriptors function to for conducting searches with augmented copies of an image


  • Updated numpy version in requirements.txt to current versions. Also split versioning between python 2 and 3 due to split availability.
  • Resolve python static analysis warnings and errors.


  • Added AxisAlignedBoundingBox class for describing N-dimensional euclidean spatial regions.
  • Added DetectionElement interface, and in-memory implementation, with associated unit tests.
  • Added DetectionElementFactory class for factory construction of DetectionElement instances.
  • Add use of smqtk.utils.configuration.cls_conf_from_config_dict and smqtk.utils.configuration.cls_conf_to_config_dict to appropriate methods in factory classes.
  • Add get_many method to KeyValueStore interface class and provide an optimized implementation of it for the PostgresKeyValueStore implementation class.
  • Add get_many_vectors classmethod for efficiently retrieving vectors from several descriptor elements at once
  • Add efficient implementation of _get_many_vectors for Postgres descriptor elements.
  • Updated MemoryKeyValueStore.add_many to use dict.update method instead of manually updating keys.
  • Removed unnecessary method override in DataFileElement.
  • Added MatrixDataElement representation that stores a numpy.ndarray instance internally, generating bytes on-the-fly when requested.
  • DataMemoryElement now raises a TypeError if a non-bytes-line object is passed during construction or setting of bytes. Configuration mixin hooks have been updated to convert to and from strings for JSON-compliant dictionary input and output. Fixed various usages of DataMemoryElement to actually pass bytes.


  • Moved tests out of main package tree.
  • Added use of pytest-runner in, removing script. New method of running tests is python test.


  • Added to Pluggable interface the get_impls method, replacing the separate get_*_impls functions defined for each interface type. Removed previous get_*_impls functions from algorithm and representation interfaces, adjusting tests and utilities as appropriate.
  • Renamed smqtk.utils.configurable to smqtk.utils.configuration. Ramifications fixed throughout the codebase. Added documentation to doc-strings.
  • Added cls_conf_from_config_dict and cls_conf_to_config_dict intermediate helper functions to smqtk.utils.configuration for the from_config_dict and to_config_dict sub-problems, respectively. This was motivated by duplicated functionality in element factory class from_config and get_config methods.
  • Moved some helper functions from smqtk.utils.plugin``to ``smqtk.utils.configuration as those functions more specifically had to do with configuration dictionary construction and manipulation. Ramifications fixed throughout the codebase.
  • Updated smqtk.utils.plugin.get_plugins signature and return. Now more simply takes the interface class (previously referred to as the base-class) instead of the original first two positional, string arguments as they could be easily introspected from the interface class object. Ramifications fixed throughout the codebase.
  • Added ContentTypeValidator interface for algorithms that operate on raw DataElement instances, providing methods for validating reported content types against a sub-class defined set of “valid” types. Applied to DescriptorGenerator interface.
  • Replace usage of smqtk.utils.bin_utils.report_progress with the ProgressReporter class throughout package.
  • Removed bundled “jsmin” in favor of using pip installed package.
  • Moved merge_dict out of smqtk/utils/ and into its own module.
  • Created combinatorics utils module, moved ncr function to here.
  • Renamed various utility modules that included _utils in their name to not include _utils for the sake of reducing redundancy.
  • Removed FileModificationMonitor utility class due to having no current use anywhere as well as its tests non-deterministically failing (issues with timing and probably lack of sufficient use of mock, time to fix not worth its lack of use). The watchdog python package should be used instead.
  • Added entry-point extension method of plugin discovery.
  • Added warning to smqtk.utils.file.safe_file_write when used on Windows platforms.



  • Nearest Neighbors
    • FAISS
      • Fix issue with storing and retrieving index IDs as numpy types by casting to python native integers due to an incompatibility with some KeyValueStore implementations (specificially an issue with the PostgreSQL implementation).


  • Removed some unused imports.


  • Fixed bug with ClassificationElement.max_label where an exception would be raised if there was no label with associated confidence greater than 0.
  • Fix some postgres test comparisons due to not being able to byte case Binary instances in python 3. Instead using the getquoted conversion for the sake of actual/expected comparisons.


  • Moved --cov options from pytest.ini file into the runner script. This fixes debugger break-pointing in some IDEs (e.g. PyCharm).
  • Fix various minor testing errors.


  • Fix ZeroDivisionError in smqtk.utils.bin_utils.report_progress. Also added deprecation warning to this function.